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Mailbox Material Options To Consider

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If you're not happy with your current mailbox, it's relatively easy to replace it. Whether you have a wall-mounted mailbox that is affixed to the wall next to your front door or a mailbox that sits on a post at the end of your driveway, you can remove it and install a new one that augments the look of the area. Hardware stores tend to have a large selection of mailboxes, allowing you to find one with a design and price that suit you. Mailboxes are commonly available in a few different materials, each of which can be appealing to different people. Here are three options.


Plastic mailboxes are typically the most affordable, which can be a good option if you want to upgrade your current mailbox on a budget. If your current mailbox has faded due to sun damage or becomes cracked over time, you might like the idea of replacing it with a plastic mailbox. You'll immediately notice a big visual improvement when you make this change. Plastic mailboxes are available in a wide range of colors. Some people favor muted hues such as black and gray, while others opt for red, yellow, or another shade that offers a vibrant look. These mailboxes are light in weight, so they don't require expensive hardware to hang.


Aluminum mailboxes are also readily available at your local hardware store. They offer a little more durability than those made of plastic. For example, this type of mailbox won't generally fade due to sun exposure, which is good to know if the front of your home gets a lot of direct sunlight. Mailboxes made of aluminum can have different appearances. You'll see some that have a modern style, while others can look more traditional. Aluminum is a surface that is easy to repaint, which means that if you decide to change the look of your front door area in a few years, you can consider repainting the mailbox if you wish.

Wrought Iron

If you want a mailbox with a higher-end look, wrought iron will likely be a material that appeals to you. Wrought iron is highly durable, so it's unlikely that your mailbox will sustain any damage in the duration that you own the home. These mailboxes are often painted black, which gives them a classic elegance that can pair well with the exterior of many homes. Wall-mounted wrought iron mailboxes are common, as are those that sit on wrought iron posts.

For more information, contact a hardware store near you.
